Can Imran Khan Bring Change Pakistan?

August 25, 2018 9:58 pm0 commentsViews: 7

By Muhammad Usama from Pakistan:

In my opinion, Imran Khan will be a better choice than that of Nawaz Sharif and Zardari. Why? These two men and their family have ruled the country for the last 30 years, none of them have offered any real change to the country. Sure, building roads are important, but in this day and age, it is important that human development is important. More time should be spent on education and health. While the US and India are doing their best to push Pakistan down and show us as an intolerant, terrorist country, it is our duty to elect intelligent leaders who will stand up for us and show the world what we have to offer.

Right now, CPEC is our saving grace. Allah has blessed us with this project that will have China investing in our energy infrastructure, roads, and ports, hence drawing in investment from Arab and European countries, but our government needs to be proactive in creating Pakistan first policies. Yes, we need investment, but we also need to make sure that our people are given rights over people of other countries. We need to make sure that we have laws that make sure that land can only be bought by Pakistani sponsered people, as an example. Leaders like Nawaz and Zardari would sell their own mother for money, the country is nothing to them.

The US and India are on the offensive on trying to isolate Pakistan. They are going to different countries, organizations, etc. to try and tarnish the image of Pakistan, yet Zardari and Nawaz don’t care. For God sake, when Nawaz was in office, he didn’t even have a foreign minister to go and talk to other countries. Take a look at his visit to the US or Saudi Arabia or China, do you want that idiot to be our leader? We used to be respected, countries would hold parades for us, our statements used to carry weight, and we had the ability to change the world, and then these two doofus’s came into power and changed, not the country, but their bank accounts. Today Zardari has one of the largest houses in England, rivaling that of the Royal Family, when his province doesn’t even have clean water and a hospital to go to. Sharif has a fortune of $1.4 billion when people are dying on the streets or selling their respect by going over to our enemy, India, for getting treatment.

Mahatir Muhammad once said “To be a great leader, one needs to have good strategies, be knowledgeable and able to predict the future.” The world is changing, Asia is changing, and Pakistan for sure, is changing. Before, incompetent leaders could come to office and not do anything because our country didn’t have goals. We didn’t have an identity. We didn’t have the inner desire to bring this country that our Qaid and our grand parents and parents sacrificed their lives and fortune for, to the next level. To compete with emerging powers like India, like Vietnam, like Iran. If one wanted to accomplish something, they would move over to Saudi Arabia or Dubai or America and contribute to that country. But today, we have an opportunity to change, we are at a cross road, we have an opportunity to decide. Pakistan is working towards allowing overseas Pakistani to vote, we have huge amounts of foreign investment, and we have some one who says that they will work, not for the benefit of the elite, or his bank account, but for ALL Pakistanis. We have someone who has stated that to him, Pakistan comes first. We have someone who has enough respect and enough charisma and ability to change the way people look at Pakistan.

The leader of a country changes the way people view a country. If you have a blabbering idiot ho has to wipe his forehead every other second and needs a sheet to talk to someone, or someone who will send a killer like Raymond Davis back to America because America says so, the world won’t look fondly. However, if you have a leader who will stand for Pakistan, who will argue for its people, who doesn’t have property overseas, thus doesn’t fear sanctions, then the world will respect us, countries will be more likely to stand by us, and we will slowly rebuild the image of our country so that Pakistani’s will be even more proud of our beautiful country. So when you ask whether Imran can change Pakistan, my answer is that the two other parties and its leaders, Zardari and Sharif haven’t changed the country. They clearly don’t see Pakistan as a priority, they clearly are thinking of themselves first, so why not change the status quo? Why not choose someone who says that he will bring change and see what he does for our country? We already know what the PPP and PMLN are going to do, why not give PTI a chance to see what their capability is?

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