Teenage model Giselle ‘sells her virginity on Cinderella Escorts for £2 million to Abu Dhabi businessman’

November 17, 2017 2:29 am0 commentsViews: 40

By Ella Wills: 16 Nov 2017:

A 19-year-old model has spoken of a “dream come true” after selling her virginity for more than £2 million to a businessman from Abu Dhabi.

The part-time student from the US claimed the highest bidder narrowly beat a Hollywood Actor from Los Angeles and a politician from Russia.

The teenager, named Giselle, said she decided to auction herself off on the German website Cinderella Escorts so she could pay tuition fees and go travelling.

“I would never have dreamt that the bid would rise so high and we would have reached 2.5 million euros,” she said. “This is a dream come true.”

The teenager said it was her idea to sell her virginity, and that she approached the agency to make the transaction in order to feel “safer”.

She said she will meet the buyer in Germany and the hotel is booked. The agency has said it will provide security to accompany her to the meeting.

A spokesperson for the website said: “We organize the hotel, stay close to the hostel as a contact person in case of problems and the girl can cancel the meeting at any time.

“There are some girls who are looking for a buyer for their virginity on their own. It is safer to run this on our platform.”

Cinderella Escorts, run by Jan Zakobielski, 27, caught the attention of the media in 2016 when 18-year-old Russian model Allexandra Khefren sold her virginity for around £2 million.

-Evening Standard

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